Smooth, Engaging, Conversational & Authentic Voice For Your Project

COMMERCIALS - Explainers - AUDIOBOOKS - e-learning - NARRATION

  I have worked with clients voicing narrations, audio books & commercial projects from my personal pro recording studio and can turn your project around within 24-48 hours.

My studio is equipped with a Harlan Hogan VO:1A mic, an Alto Professional ZMX 862 Sound mixer board, MacBook Pro & software by Adobe Audition. Source Connect, Zoom & Skype enabled with ipDTL coming soon! Delivering your files is easy via DropBox, iCloud, WE Collect or email.

IT WOULD BE WONDERFUL TO WORK WITH YOu. Let me know hoW I can be of help on your next project!

Copyright mjpvoices 2021..all rights reserved